I highly recommend this firm , Laker solicitor's was there for me from day one with my custody battle for my daughter which I won joint custody .Jessica Leech was amazing she explained everything on point ,wrote great position statements , was brilliant in court and there for me when I needed.
You can be assured of high quality at Laker Legal Solicitors as we were awarded the Law Society’s Lexcel Accredited Quality mark in 2012 for high standards of client care and practice management.
This quality mark is only awarded to Solicitor’s Practices which have undergone a rigorous external independent assessment of all their client care policies and case and file management systems.
At Laker Legal we have retained this quality mark because we know that all our clients want the very best quality of legal service available. We also believe that they want and deserve the best value for money.
In 2018 when the Firm’s Lexcel Accreditation was subjected to annual audit, the Law Society`s independent Auditor commented that there were absolutely no areas of the Practice that could be identified for improvement and that comments received relating to client satisfaction levels were all very positive indeed.
Laker Legal have continued to be rewarded Lexcel quality mark annually and have always had high praise from our auditors.