Many traditional high street legal practices are currently experiencing extremely difficult trading conditions during the recession. Some are merging together for a “warm blanket” and redundancies are commonplace, as the partners/directors of such firms find that their overhead costs are constantly rising and their fee income is constantly reducing. Even large and well respected firms like Cobbetts & Halliwells of Manchester have struggled and failed.
In the current economic climate “big” is certainly not always synonymous with “best”. In fact it seems that the biggest practices with the biggest overheads are the ones failing first!
Three years ago Laker Legal Solicitors saw these economic bumps in the road looming ahead and decided to create a truly 21st century legal practice focusing on driving down their overhead costs in order to pass on all the savings which were made to their clients in greatly reduced legal costs, combined with also offering the highest possible quality Lexcel Law Society approved legal service.
Since the concept was originally realised and put into practice they have never looked back and have absolutely thrived despite the recession. More and more clients are seeking out best value for money.
Richard Hirst the founder of Laker Legal commented:-
“In the early days clients simply needed convincing that our low costs did not also mean poor service, but it has been quite incredible and also very gratifying to see how quickly word has spread as satisfied clients tell their family and friends what a great experience they have had with Laker Legal. The testimonials on our website also demonstrate that we are convincing more and more clients to use Laker Legal Solicitors, as not only do we save clients very considerable sums in costs, but also the quality of the service we offer is truly outstanding and really sets us apart from the crowd.”
Recently Laker Legal was externally assessed for the continuance of its Lexcel Law Society Quality Mark by an independently appointed Law Society assessor and passed with flying colours.
The Law Society appointed auditor reported that:-
“This was an excellent assessment visit. There were no areas whatsoever that could be identified for improvement. The practice works electronically which allows them to be completely paperless. Financial management within the practice is over and above the requirements of Lexcel.”
The Practice Manager of Laker Legal commented:-
“Absolutely every member of the Laker Legal team believes passionately in always delivering the very highest standards of client care and service at the lowest possible cost to our clients. Excellence in client service and client satisfaction can be achieved with ease when all members of the team pull together so well. We receive very favourable comments from our clients on a regular basis which is very gratifying but also an indication to the entire team that their approach to client care is spot-on.”
As Laker Legal continue to go from strength to strength, attracting clients from across the UK, bucking downward financial trend of the legal sector generally, they are clearly the ones to watch as a pioneering success story in the making for low-cost, high-quality legal service delivery.
Laker Legal Solicitors serve clients throughout England and specialise in Family Law & Mediation, Medical Negligence, Personal Injury, Civil Litigation, Employment Law, Wills, Probate & Powers of Attorney